Babies under one year of age should not be given honey due to bacteria that can cause Infant Botulism. Learn what this is and some of the other reasons to avoid feeding your little one honey.
The Danger of Giving Babies Honey
Honey is to be avoided when feeding under 1s because of the risk of Infant Botulism.
Infant botulism is a rare but serious illness that occurs when infants ingest toxins from a type of bacteria which live in soil and dust (that can contaminate honey.)
Symptoms of infant botulism include
- constipation
- loss of appetite
- muscle weakness
- a weak cry
Once an infant reaches one year, they are not usually affected because their digestive system is more mature and are able to destroy the production of the toxin.
What About Honey as an Ingredient?
To help prevent infant botulism, avoid giving your baby both homemade or processed foods containing honey.
Additional Reasons to Why Honey Should Not Be Given To Babies
Other reasons not to add honey to your baby's food and drink include
- Damage to emerging teeth
- The earlier you introduce added sugars (such as honey), the more likely your baby is to prefer and choose sweet foods into childhood and adult life. Remember babies can't miss what they have never tried.
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